Friday, January 11, 2013

                              Joytime Diamond Jubilee Year!

This sixieth year heralds the celebration of all our children's achievements and also the retirement of this venerable Lake Forest institution.With the graduating class of 2013,Joytime will officially say thank you and goodbye to our families and friends who have susutained and nurtured us through the years.

The Hodgen family and staff of Joytime Preschool have so enjoyed nurturing and educating three generations of North Shore children.Cooperation,collaboration and seeking peaceful solutions to problems large and small have been at the heart of our philosophy and what we have strived to teach our students.

In our newsletter and on our blog,watch for installments of our Joytime retrospective as well as preparations for our Alumni Open House Grand Finale.Mark your calendars for June 8,2013;families are invited to drop in,visit with old friends,and wish your Joytime clan good cheer and best wishes for the future.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

  Peaceful New Year to us all,as well as a happy,healthy and prosperous one.Since the new year will not bring us these things at all the same times,we hopefully will work together to maximize the opportunities that we do have.

  We look forward to January and to having fun in the snow.We like to slide down Joytime Mountain,build snow people and enjoy the outdoor time.We do not stay out for long peiods,but find that we all love the outdoor time if we are adequately dressed.

  December's activities were conductive to the ongoing sharing process,with gift making for others,decorations for the home and discovering some of the many ways in which people celebrate this wonderful season.Since the giving of gifts is a part of most celebrations,I am hopeful the gifts your children received reflect creative and constructive play.

Jan.7-11.....Welcome to New Year/Blue
Jan.14-18.....Snow-Real and Pretend
Jan.21-25.....Peaceful Classroom/Summer in Winter Days
Jan.28-Feb.1.....People & Aniamls in cold places

1.Reminder:Due to the increase in peanut allergies,Joytime is asking parents when sending in snacks to check labels for peanut oil or when baking.Do not send any treats containing nuts or peanut oil.
2.Car safety:We have had several instances of children heading into the street when coming to their car.If the curbside door is open,this can be avoided.An accident would be a terrible tragedy.Please DO NOT pull forward after your child has been allowed out of the school door.This too,could cause an accident.
3.Winter dressing:(weather permitting)All afternoon children are asked to arrive fully dressed for outdoor play,as our outdoor period is at the beginning of the afternoon.Morning children can carry snow pants,if desired and will wear them home.
4.New envelopes:We start the new year with new envelopes.How long can we recycle them and make them last?

1.December words:Customs,Hanukkah,Kwanza,Las Posadas,Christmas,celebrations.
2. Summer in Winter days.January 24&25th.(more information later)
3.Updated name lists will be sent out in the middle of January.
4.We will remain OPEN on Martin Luther King day to observe his birthday and his peaceful philosophy.
5.Picture days will be January 29&30th.Reminder will be sent out closer to the date.

Jan.-May Calendar
Feb.18th-Presidents Day -NO SCHOOL
March 23rd-April 1-Spring Break-School starts again on April 1st.
May 27th-Memorial Day -NO SCHOOL
May 30th-Last day for the T/Th a.m. and last day for the M/T/W/TH p.m. class
May 31st-Last day for M/W/F a.m. class